Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pretty Face

So I loathe the grocery store.  I will do anything to get out of going.  I either go at 7 in the morning or 10 at night.  It's bad when you live in the town you grew up in, went to school in, came back to after college and work in.  The song "Famous in a Small Town" by Miranda Lambert comes to mind.  Working at the bank makes you a celebrity.  Go ahead and laugh but until you've experienced have no idea.  People feel like they have to speak to you...or worse...have long drawn out conversations.  Or even better, tell you they'll make that deposit just as soon as they can....because of course you have their account history memorized.  Or they'll ask you about their debit card...the list goes on.  Well, when I left the created an even larger scandal because now everyone wants to know the "Real Reason" I left the bank.  This leads me to today.....I womaned up and went to the grocery at high noon.  As I was perusing the aisles sipping my tall soy white chocolate mocha I ran into a former customer.  She's the epitome of a southern belle...dripping in jewelry and put together at all times.  So at first I did what every red blooded girl would do....grabbed my buggy and took off to a different aisle.  But like a birddog she found me.  Good news...she didn't want to discuss the bank.  She said "Oh, good to see you."  I said it was good to see her.  She said she missed me at the bank to which I responded that I missed my customers tremendously.  Then she touched my hair....and said "You have such a pretty's a shame you carry all that extra weight around".  And I said.....thank you.  Are you listening...this lady called me fat in front of God and half of Black Mountain and I THANKED her.  In a blink of an eye she was gone....and I was left standing there in canned goods stunned.  So my boycott on grocery stores to the baked goods I went......doughnut, anyone????

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lord! I would have said, "You seem so nice, but it's a shame that really you're just a bitch inside." :) I used to hide from my clients when I used to work at the office and represented people. Good thing for me was that because of confidentiality, I wasn't supposed to acknowledge them first--but inevitably, most acknowledged me and would tell me all about their continuing family problems (since I'm a family law attorney, that's where the conversation always went). Then they'd ask for on the spot advice. So, I know the fear of stores. Or maybe, it's really of PEOPLE. :)
