Thursday, March 1, 2012

Leap of Faith....the day after Leap Year (day)!!

As long as I can remember, I haven't really liked change and it got worse when I was diagnosed with a panic disorder.  I preferred to be unhappy or uncomfortable in routine rather than try something new because I was scared or didn't know the outcome.  My job, at the bank, stopped being interesting or challenging.  I stuck it out because I loved my co-workers, customers and the organization-even though it didn't love me.  I was afraid of starting a new career at entry level pay.  I put on a happy face, smiled and pretended like I didn't give a rip.  One day in September I reached the breaking point.  I felt like I was suffocating.  I sat in my car and cried for an hour at lunch.  I realized how deeply unhappy I was at work.  I went and talked to my mom....the pragmatist-who-loves-stability.....she said 3 words that surprised should quit!!  WHAT???  I don't have a job, or savings.  I need health insurance.  But what the only live once....and I want to live life happy.  An hour later I resigned.  I was thrilled, I felt giddy and able to breathe again.  4 hours later my banking career was over.
Now don't get me's been a hard 6 months.  I've been working 2 part time jobs which I love , but the money is not spectacular.  I've learned to live life with less: which says a lot about this jewelry loving, book reading, Dansko-addicted girl.  I've bartered for hair cuts and nails.  I've watched cats and dogs.  I've balanced checkbooks.  I've sold my cherished seasonal decorations that I used to use at the bank because I wanted to start over and they reminded me of sadder times.  I've volunteered at Manna Food Bank, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue and at a local nursing home. I spent alot of time with my mom.  It's been hard dealing with my medications but my doctors and an amazing pharmacy here in town have managed to help me get the meds I need.   I've learned alot about myself and what I want in a future employer/job.  Honestly, I never actually applied for a new job.  I had the faith that the "right" job would find me.  And it did.....I start March I'll have to let you know if it's the job for me.  I'm going into the insurance field.  A former customer and a past co-worker of mine gave me wonderful referrals.  I'm super excited but extremely scared....I started at the bank right out of is all I know.  But "life goes on"......and my leap begins March 12th. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Good luck with the job. I'm proud of you for making that big leap of faith. :)
