Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bothered, Bewildered and.....Bewitched???? I finally did it.  I succumbed to the online dating trend much to my own dismay.....a friend met the love of her life on there and recently got engaged so I thought what the heck.  What the heck, was right!!!!!

We met and I thought there was definite potential.....he met the height requirement.  That being he was taller than me.  CHECK.  He was polite, well groomed....appeared to have a good job with a great group health insurance plan.  CHECK.  His shirt was monogrammed.  CHECK.  I love a preppy guy and a monogram.  He drove a rather boring sedan...but we can't have everything.  Conversation was going well.  He was attractive...yet flawed....wasn't too "perfect".  Seemed close to his family...which means we could ditch mine.  Then the moment came when he pulled out of his pocket.......a travel-size bottle of PURELL.  I almost fainted....a germaphobe......what more could a fellow germaphobe want.  We bonded over anti-bacterial and discussed working with the public.  He works at the court house...good benefits!!!!! 

Things were going fabulous....until......the shocker.  He asked me my religious beliefs and where I worshipped.  I told him I am a Christian...Baptist...and between churches (which is kind of a stretch.....but in my defense I have a hard time going to church alone because of my various hang-ups but I didn't want him to think I was a heathen).  Ummm...yeah.  About that.  I asked him his.........and I'm totally not judging....if any of you out there in BlogWorld are of this "faith" then good for you....but it's not for me.  And he was very adamant in remaining with his belief.....he had been raised that way....and wanted his children (gulp) raised that way. 

He was/is a .......Wiccan.  I know, Welcome to Asheville.  So we continued our meal and had a good evening....I even learned some stuff about what and why he believes that way.  It was a nice evening out and I don't regret it...but boy....can I pick them.  We are going to hang out as friends occasionally....why do men always want to be my friend.  Sigh.  And did I mention he likes the WWE.

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